
Friday, August 10, 2012

Fleeting Thoughts on Vanilla Ice Cream

I can't stop eating this stuff during the summer months. Every day I break down in my resolve, although, today, come to think of it, I didn't have any, because it always makes me wonder (when I finish that is) how many miles I'd have to walk or run in order to compensate for the calories absorbed. Oh, heck, I'm just going to have another scoop and not think about the repercussions. Bring it on, Jeeves.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

An Open Letter to the Average American Voter...

Attention Voters (or should I say Truth-Seekers): When you enter that voting booth in a few months time, just remember that neither you nor I nor anyone else has ALL the facts. Indeed, there is a high likelihood that we may actually be misinformed on certain issues, swayed by fears, resentments, anxieties, vitriol, misled by rumors and gossip and propaganda emanating from media outlets, think tanks and fellow citizens, provoked by all the hype to "make a statement" yet feeling like the canvas presented (the voting booth) does not allow for such.  Hey - wouldn't it be great if we as a populace, just came clean and realized...that...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Old Orchard Beach

White Rabbits of Oblivion

The white rabbits of oblivion kept their game face on as the experiments continued. And though hope was in short supply during those long days and nights when, at a moment's notice, they would hear sudden footsteps in the hallway,  and be stricken with dread over which scientist would be the one to snatch them out of their cages with those thick plastic gloves and place them in some artificial, grassy environment only long enough to calm them down until the next injection....It would have seemed quite necessary for some creature or entity, caring, sentient, feeling voice to speak up in protest at the thought of such callous research, but you'd be amazed how little publicity these rabbits generate despite their good looks, their innocent mien, their gentle ways...