
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Sampling of Haikus

Cold test-taking room
a grey pencil breaks loudly
soon Ned will chase birds. [#679]

Sad crinkled paper
falling while our teacher shakes
his head in slow mo. [#334]

A navel orange
with a weird textured face here
in the drawer; yikes.

Life is some spicy
enchilada that I have
saved for next Tuesday. [#852]

Golf is a dream I
just can't get used to because
the strokes hurt, each one. [#147]

While driving through town
three drunk hippie protesters
throw flowers at me. [#225]

You found an old coin
I found some stale bread,
ripe with age, rock hard. [#378]

At the library,
my honors class made noise so
Now we can't go back... [#006]

On the morrow good fish
I will give you a reason
to avoid large nets... [#057]

Scream! Gurgle! Kick! Scratch!
I'm in a bad mood! Can't you
tell? I want to cry... [#043]

If you give me those
figs in exchange for 10 bucks,
that will seal the deal. [#078]

A child stares at trolls,
little smiling dolls on tall
shelves - strange how moods change. [#777]

No smoke, no drink, no
reason to self-destruct, no
harm, no foul, just breathe. [#892]

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