
Friday, May 18, 2012


In Book 11 of Homer's Odyssey, Oceanos was that far-off region at the edge of the known earth - home of the Cimmerians - where Odysseus went to commune with the spirits of the dead. I imagine Oceanos as a portal of some sort to the underworld (Hades) where among the souls of the departed, Odysseus would encounter Elpenor (his hapless crew member), Teiresias, the blind Theban seer, Anticleia (his mother), Agamemnon (embittered and misogynistic over Clytemnestra's treachery), Achilles (sullenly nostalgic and bored out of his mind for all eternity) and more importantly Hercules - his role model. Theseus and Perithous were no shows.

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